Wacom® Office

Wacom® Office

Wacom® Office

The awesome guys at Wacom hired me to create a mural in their Sofia office. The task was to create an artwork that is related to Bulgaria and does not feature any wacom products. So we decide to go with beautiful bulgarian girl, roses, nosia and an apple.

The awesome guys at Wacom hired me to create a mural in their Sofia office. The task was to create an artwork that is related to Bulgaria and does not feature any wacom products. So we decide to go with beautiful bulgarian girl, roses, nosia and an apple.


This work is done on Intuos Pro, one of Wacom’s best product and my personal favourite one. Then we printed it on special folio that we installed on the wall. It took around 6 hours and lots of dedication and frustration. Watch the making video below. I want to thank Wacom for trusting me with such a project. Without your products I would never have become the artist I am today. Also I want to thank Alfa Color Print & Craft Print for the printing and installation.

All Projects

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Works 2018Artworks

Ambitio APAIllustration

Board GraphicsIllustrations

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I'm always looking for new and exciting project. If you have a cool idea just drop me a line and let's talk about it.

I'm always looking for new and exciting project. If you have a cool idea just drop me a line and let's talk about it.

I'm always looking for new and exciting project. If you have a cool idea just drop me a line and let's talk about it.